Earlier, Blogger released the New Comments System that has been most demanded by all blogger users. There were 2 main features, Automatic Spam detection and Viewing all comments in one page. But what I was expecting and what I got. Automatic Spam comment detection feature is totally useless for me.
Blogger's new Automatic Comment Detection feature is doing opposite work for me. Here, watch out one example:
Is there any spam on this comment? I think there is no spam. Even there is no spam, it goes in the spam box. Just he was asking for the help!
I never notice the Spam box because I think there is only spam comments. But, the above example proofs that your spam box also may contains original comments but not a spam!
If the spam detection found the comment is like a spam, it directly goes to spam box. But now your genuine comments also can go into the spam box, be aware!
From now, also check the spam box there must contains genuine comments that you might not notice. If the comment is original and not a spam, check the comment and click Not Spam button.
Blogger's new Automatic Comment Detection feature is doing opposite work for me. Here, watch out one example:
Click on the image to Enlarge |
I never notice the Spam box because I think there is only spam comments. But, the above example proofs that your spam box also may contains original comments but not a spam!
If the spam detection found the comment is like a spam, it directly goes to spam box. But now your genuine comments also can go into the spam box, be aware!
From now, also check the spam box there must contains genuine comments that you might not notice. If the comment is original and not a spam, check the comment and click Not Spam button.